New times, new possibilities! 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process in which a three-dimensional object is created layer by layer, using a computer-generated design. Unlike common subtractive manufacturing processes, in which a final design is cut from a block of material, 3D printing wastes less material. Materials used are primarily thermoplastics, resins and ceramics. The ease of producing custom geometric parts does not add costs, even with increased component complexity. Thus, companies that produce sustainably by using 3D printing can save costs.
Since the process is based on computer-aided designs, product changes can be made immediately without affecting manufacturing costs. The process is particularly suitable for the production of prototypes and fields of application are by no means limited to the manufacturing industry. There are numerous ideas and areas of application for 3D printing. The medical industry, for example, has discovered 3D printing for the production of customized implants or devices. Research and development institutions are also embracing the technology and its possibilities. Due to the speed of manufacturing, freedom of design, and ease of customization, 3D printing makes ideas come to life in the robotics industry.
As 3D printing technology continues to improve, the process could also be used for mass production in the medium to long term. The expected reduction in the cost of 3D printing will help it to be used not only in industry, but also in educational institutions and even in private households.
Do you want to test 3D printers?
Then our TECH FLAT is just right for you! Our Tech Team puts together packages with exciting technologies, including 3D printers. This way, you and your team can extensively test and evaluate the possibilities.