GROW 2022
At the GROW meeting of the Archdiocese of Paderborn on September 16, church-engaged people came together for presentations, technology testing and networking.
- Timeframe: September 2022
- Challenge: Wie kann digitale Technik kreativ für die Pastoral genutzt werden? Welche Technologien sind besonders vielversprechend? Wie können sich Entscheider selbst ein Bild machen?
- Solution: Ein Netzwerktreffen, auf dem sich alle kirchlich Engagierten austauschen und potenzielle Technologien ausprobieren können.
- Added value: Teilnehmende wurden mit Technologien wie Virtual Reality vertraut gemacht und erlebten konkrete Use-Cases für deren Einsatz in ihrem Arbeitsumfeld.
In Detail
The GROW kick-off event brought together what many people intuitively think doesn’t belong together – the church and digital.
Far from it! Technologies such as virtual reality have been actively used in the Archdiocese of Paderborn for quite some time. In order to demonstrate the potential of this technology to all visitors, FUTURE CANDY and the Archdiocese of Paderborn prepared an entertaining virtual reality tour.
The visitors were trained in the use of the Oculus Quest 2 VR goggles as well as the operation of AltspaceVR – after which the virtual spaces were explored together. In addition to visiting a virtual cathedral, they also went on an exploration tour of our solar system. The participants were able to look at our planets in detail and retrieve additional information via simple interaction tools. It quickly became clear that virtual reality offers unique opportunities for communication and education.
Every event is unique – and we look forward to implementing your event idea!