Avoiding bad investments
Thanks to the TECH FLAT, Beiersdorf was able to avoid technical misinvestments and make sustainable investments in new technologies.
- Timeframe: 2017 - heute
- Challenge: Which technologies can be sensibly applied in production and other departments of the group? How can different devices be compared without having to make large investments?
- Solution: Within the framework of the TECH FLAT, specific technologies from a certain subject area were tested in practice in order to be able to compare them and thus avoid bad investments.
- Added value: Beiersdorf was able to compare a wide variety of technologies with each other without being exposed to bureaucratic hurdles in purchasing or having to conduct intensive research. The costs for misinvestments in the mid-five-digit range could be saved. This also meant that the company acted in the interests of sustainability, as no electronic waste was generated as a result of the misinvestments avoided.
From the idea to the nationwide implementation. Beiersdorf shows how innovation processes can be implemented in an uncomplicated manner even within a large group, thus leading to sustainable process optimization.
The Beiersdorf Innovation Lab was created in cooperation with FUTURE CANDY. In this “laboratory”, the latest TECH FLAT technologies are presented to the public and thus made permanently available to employees. Because it was clear to all those responsible from the very beginning that the technology must be evaluated by those who are to integrate it into their everyday work in the future. Thus, the employees are involved in the entire innovation process, from the generation of ideas to the successful execution.
With the help of the TECH FLAT, the ideas of the employees are regularly put into practice. For example, the idea of using a 3D printer to produce small prototypes for production in a timely and cost-effective manner was born. And after testing AR glasses in the Innovation Lab, the desire was expressed to use them for employee training purposes. FUTURE CANDY was able to respond to these ideas by providing a selection of different devices that had been tested in practice over an extended period of time. Not only that through the implementation of the 3D printer “Formlabs Form 2” and the AR-glasses “Realwear HTM 1” processes were optimized in the long run. Also, with the help of the TECH FLAT costs for high misinvestments could be avoided.